The meta-package has many dependencies even though it is . Unity 4. Window managers normally handle application windows as well as their window decorations and effects. On virtually any desktop environment, Openbox is my window manager of choice. It used to be the default desktop environment in Lubuntu, until they moved to LXQt, in October 2018, due to the slow development of LXDE. Install LXQT Desktop on Ubuntu. This allows for a large variety of configurations, and more control for the user. The distro provides users with the choice of KDE, MATE, Openbox, LXQt, Cinnamon, Xfce and LXDE desktop environments when downloading the ISO image. Install OpenBox for Debian 11 Minimal Manual configuration files Openbox Debian Menu 3. So you're tired of that heavy, bloated desktop environment. However, sometimes a lightweight resource-effective desktop environment is needed, especially when you are using older machines. So is the right click menu's Desktop list. light-desktop -- meta-package to bring in the entire environment. Openbox makes desktop environments better. For fast performance, you simply run Openbox without an overall Desktop Environment. It can be used either as a replacement for the default Gnome window manager -- Metacity -- or as a standalone desktop environment. 2. Porteus is available for 32-bit and 64-bit machines. openbox+tint2 is a common combination. Your desktop becomes cleaner and faster, and is in your control, when you use Openbox. If you logout and login choosing the Openbox session, you should now come to a very empty screen. Openbox is a cross between a completly minimal desktop such as i3wm, and a full blown desktop like GNOME or KDE. . This "combination of apps" compose the desktop environment. many are available and is attempted to be listed below: The main components: lxsession -- LXDE session manager and Xsettings daemon. Setting up and using open box is quite simple, four files are used; "autostart", "environment", "menu.xml", and "rc.xml". For fast performance, you simply run Openbox without an overall Desktop . - Not a desktop, but a window manager, highly customizable with themes, dock bars, very fast and lightweight. #debian package ## my autostart file compton -b -c & ## set screen resolution (sleep 4s && xrandr --output hdmi-1 --off --output dp-2 --mode 1680x1050 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output dp-1 --mode. Often lx-appearance and lx-appearance-qt are used. Every time my Xubuntu machine starts up, the command openbox -replace is run. Openbox is a lightweight and highly configurable window manager with extensive standards support. Its menus are set up very much like Windows, with one main menu. Let's copy these files from their system-wide location to our user-specific location: $ cp -r. By running Openbox inside the GNOME or K desktop environments, you can combine their ease and functionality with the power of Openbox. LXDE is lighter than MATE, but MATE is a more feature-complete desktop. Next time I started up, my panel said that my desktop name was '1', etc so i changed my .pypanelrc. And you're ready to go "window manager only." But tiling window managers seem too intimidating . To disable this repository, you need to uninstall package x11-repo . How to customise your Linux desktop: Openbox One step below the desktop environments I have looked at so far in this series are window managers such as Openbox, Enlightenment, i3, and. Openbox uses four files for environment configuration. IT teams and solution providers use VirtualBox to reduce operational costs and shorten the time needed to securely deploy . - Fast and lightweight but easily beautified with themes. A Desktop environment is software that comprises various tools and libraries to provide a graphical user interface on command line Linux. Some individuals in various forums have made the claim that LXDE is more "modular", and therefore easier to develop for than XFCE. Tint2. Xfce was first released in 1996, it is written in the C language with the GTK+ 2 library, Xfce has its own file manager "Thunar" which is very fast and lightweight, plus many other components like Xfwm, Xfdesktop, etc. Opening up obconf, the Desktop names are correct. If you don't use a graphical log in, you can use the openbox-kde-session command to start a KDE session with Openbox as your window manager. Oracle VM VirtualBox, the world's most popular open source, cross-platform, virtualization software, enables developers to deliver code faster by running multiple operating systems on a single device. Older versions used Xfce, but now, all GUI and graphical interfaces are optional. Nicknamed "Flurry", the transparency-heavy desktop is made up of various custom parts, including a window managerT "loosely based on OpenBox". It is sometimes described as a graphical shell. It's probably the best looking environment around, and it has a very cool widget-based desktop built in to the environment. To a lesser extent other wlr-based projects like Way Cooler (rust, Openbox-inspired) or Waymonad (haskell, xmonad-inspired) or Wayfire (C++, 3D stuff), though I'm not sure how mature those are atm. Improve this answer. The Openbox window manager is very popular, and is used in many different desktop environments. It is used by the LXDE as its default window manager and KDE can also use Openbox as its window manager instead of its default window manager, KWin. Linux Desktop Environments Openbox configuration. 3 Tiling (dynamic) window managers. To remove OpenBox Just press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open Terminal. First, update and upgrade your system using the following command. Tip: Be sure to add your user to input and video groups. You may also refer it as the " Plasma " desktop. . Install Desktop Panel for OpenBox Commands For popular lightweight Panels For only Dock Panel 4. But it was the default desktop environment for one of the most popular Ubuntu flavors, Lubuntu. Tint2 it the bar that includes Systray, a windows list, clock and all that jazz. MATE 5. Advanced - Custom Desktop Environment using Openbox WM Openbox is a window manager that can run as a standalone desktop environment, or with another desktop environment. A desktop environment (DE) is an implementation of the desktop metaphor made of a bundle of programs which share a common graphical user interface (GUI). how much work is it to make usable? It is very light on resources and easy to handle yet full of features to make an easy, and extremely fast, desktop experience. This distribution offers a lightweight and easily customizable Openbox desktop. BbxBang and PacBang - Minimal systems using Openbox The end result will always be depending on the actual setup dhcpcd vs. network manager firewall vs no firewall /usr/local/bin/pcmanfm --desktop & #to replace the Openbox desktop background To get your menus of Openbox, do not forget to mention it to pcmanfm by launching the configuration GUI called: pcmandfm --desktop-pref. It depends how minimal you like it. This article applies to operating systems which are capable of running the X Window System, mostly Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, Minix, illumos, Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. Microsoft Windows is incapable of natively running X . For example, LXDE and LXQt use Openbox as their window manager, which is an independent project. If you run Openbox as a standale desktop environment, you would have . Openbox is a highly configurable, next generation, stacking window manager for X11 with extensive standards support. LXDE (The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a fast and energy-saving desktop environment. FluxBox is a windowmanager for X that was based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. menu.xml - Describes the right click menu. answered Mar 8, 2013 at 14:55. LXDE uses the OpenBox window manager. It is well known for its minimalistic appearance. Openbox is a lightweight window manager using freedesktop standards. It's another collection in the community of flat dark themes. autostart - Contains a list of the applications to run on startup. Refresh system APT cache 2. The machine I used for this has the following specs: Intel i5-4210U 8GB DDR3 SSD Even though it's not my primary choice, it is highly customizable and extremely lightweight. 1. Ubuntu sudo apt install openbox feh tint2 docky pcmanfm Debian sudo apt-get install openbox obconf. sudo apt-get purge openbox obconf obmenu To remove XFCE Under Ubuntu 12.10 Just press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to open Terminal. A desktop environment is a collection of software designed to give functionality and a certain look and feel to an operating system.. A desktop environment is a collection of disparate components that integrate together. I use lightdm to start openbox so I don't have xinitrc file in my home directory. Fundamental Round 2.2 Answer (1 of 2): You can use just about any desktop environment on OpenBSD that you can use on Linux. Luckily XTerm will work if you added the package in the first step, and you can use that to add additional packages. openbox -- window manager. I'm also considering OpenBox as well but isn't that a Window Manager install of a full Desktop Environment? There are various "flavours" of LxPup some built as derivatives of official Puppy Linux builds (based on Slackware and Ubuntu components) and one a new woof-ce build . To log into the K Desktop Environment with Openbox as your window manager, select the "KDE/Openbox" option when logging in through KDM, which you can see in Figure 1. - Full Desktop environment with nice desktop effects (wobbly windows, minimization effects etc) XFCE. Run Openbox Install Display Manager on minimal Debian 11 5. This "combination of apps" compose the desktop environment. LXDE. I am using Openbox as my preferred system. I have Gnome running on an OpenBSD system, it may take a little tinkering to get it running 'just right', but following the provided documentation it is quite simple to accomplish. Openbox: lxpanel-gtk3: lxterminal: pcmanfm-gtk3: galculator: l3afpad: gpicview: lxmusic: atril: midori: lxdm-gtk3: LXQt: qt5-base: Openbox: lxqt-panel . Desktop environment Widget toolkit Window manager Taskbar Terminal emulator File manager Calculator Text editor Image viewer Media player Document viewer Web browser Display manager Budgie: . BunsenLabs has made me wonder why I have not used the Openbox desktop environment that much. - Same as XFCE, fast and lightweight. With a focus on being "light-weight", it is to KDE Plasma what XFCE is to GNOME: a familiar enough looking lighter alternative to the more fully featured environment that may work better on lower-end devices and for people who want as lean a system as possible. lxpanel -- menu, taskbar launcher, and notification area. This helps users to operate various computer tasks, applications, and operations graphically without issuing commands every time. Some advantages of a self-assembled Openbox desktop: pick and mix your own desktop components lower memory requirements, runs quick on older hardware easy to modify by editing text files greater appreciation of how an X environment works Setup is done on one laptop running Arch Linux and the other running Debian. Keywords: Openbox : openbox config : $ openbox --reconfigure Openbox is a lightweight window manager for Unix and Linux like systems. KDE, Gnome, Sway. Offline And yes, it tiles nicely: There's also a custom wallpaper engine written in HTML5 that supports adding 'complications' (conky-style widgets) . Share. Cinnamon 6. You can use Openbox without a desktop environment, by logging out, selecting an Openbox session, and logging in. Contents 1 Installation 1.1 USE flags Therefore, become root and enter the following command at the commandline prompt: XFCE and LXDE For clarity : You are now done. In this post, MiniTool Partition Wizard introduces 7 popular Linux desktop environments and shows their pros and cons. Lubuntu was named based on this LXDE desktop environment. In computing, a desktop environment ( DE) is an implementation of the desktop metaphor made of a bundle of programs running on top of a computer operating system that share a common graphical user interface (GUI), sometimes described as a graphical shell. Yes, it looks like KDE has managed to beat XFCE as one of the lightest desktop environments. Openbox desktop context menu configuration, in file ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml: KDE KDE is one of the most popular desktop environments out there. With manjaro you can use many desktop environments. Opening up ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml, the desktop names are again correct. Here's how to install it on your system. After that, run an update and install the openbox environment: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install openbox obconf obmenu. tint2 gives you panels. I do, however, have an ~/.xsessio-errors file with the following entries for tint2: . Xfce is also available to install from the official repositories for most Linus distributions, just search about it in your package manager and you . On This Page : 1. Some people don't know the differences between various Linux desktop environments and they may ask questions like Cinnamon vs MATE vs XFCE. Lightweight emphasis. 1. That environment is LXDE, the Lightweight X Desktop Environment . The openbox.desktop is what I expected and hasn't been changed from the default. The desktop layout is similar to that of GNOME 2. When it opens, run the commands below. Again, with LXQt vs MATE, the primary difference comes down to Qt vs GTK+. They are recolored by the author to match the theme and desktop environment. They bundle these components to provide common graphical user interface with elements such as icons, toolbars, wallpapers, and desktop widgets. Steps to install OpenBox on Debian 11 Bullseye 1. Openbox is my go to WM when doing a light desktop. Verify tha the check box in the 3rd panel is selected. Either way is acceptable. I feel I made that mistake for a few reasons: My current distro, CrunchbangLinux, runs Openbox with other apps such as a system tray & taskbar. If installing each component of a working environment sounds like a little too much customization, but the flexibility of Openbox is still wanted, then take a look into a desktop environment that uses Openbox as its default window manager. For example, Openbox does not put icons on a user's Desktop. Holy wars could be waged over XFCE vs LXDE vs MATE vs Openbox. Alpine Linux has no official desktop. It uses icons, namely J3cons. Oracle VM VirtualBox. It says "Show menus provided by window managers when desktop is clicked" First, remove any files related to openbox that might be present on your system: sudo apt-get purge openbox obconf obmenu sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean. It should be noted that Openbox is actually a window manager and must be used in conjunction with one of the desktop environments listed above. 1 Answer. I'm using openbox as my desktop environment, not as a WM. LxPup offers the Openbox window manager, LxPanel panel manager and PCManFM file manager. $ startx. Openbox is not a desktop environment, Openbox is a Window Manager. But anyone . Laza is a simple but great contribution for Openbox. install sudo pacman -S gnome-extra Setting up VNC Server If you decided to use VNC for graphical output, follow these instructions for properly setting up VNC server. You then need to consider theming. Openbox is actually the very same window manager used by the LXDE desktop environment, however window managers do not actually require a DE to be installed to be used, and Openbox is a great example of this. There might be others, those are just what I know off the top of my head. . $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y. While neither desktop is hard to use, MATE presents apps and information in a way where less technical knowledge is required to find your way around. Gnome sudo pacman -S gnome This installs the basic Gnome DE, for the extra's like games etc. Openbox inside desktop environments LXDE. Openbox is a lightweight yet powerful windows manager. It is highly configurable and allows you to make multiple tweaks that determine how you interact with your desktop environment. LXDE is currently the default desktop environment for Knoppix, LXLE Linux, and Peppermint OS Linux. It can be the right choice if you like the dark appearance for your window. 1. Newcomers may find that MATE is easier to grasp. Top Con. openbox-desktop-environment openbox-configuration Updated Feb 16, 2020 Python KANG-BAIT / GUI_Termux Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Build a GUI in termux to experience using Windows on Android Linux gui gui-application termux openbox-pipemenu xfce4 openbox-desktop-environment install-windows More Info & Download. 14. Reboot your Debian 11 system 6. All look actively developed though. It may be built upon and run independently as the basis of a unique desktop environment, or within other integrated desktop environments such as KDE and Xfce, as an alternative to the window managers they provide. But I must say BunsenLabs is no distro for beginners as things are somewhat complicated not that it is too hard. "Ultimately . Openbox is a lightweight, powerful, and highly configurable stacking window manager with extensive standards support. With it, users can get a very basic desktop environment, and build on top of it. Openbox. Right click on the desktop to get to the menu and access applications. Openbox provides a "Minimalist Environment". Plasma 5. For using GUI components like the taskbar, login manager, screensaver, icons, etc. 2 Stacking (floating) window managers. Both Official and Community ISO's of various DE's are available. The basis of this desktop environment is the Openbox window manager. environment - System-wide environment variables can go here. Openbox gives you control without making you do everything. Share. 4 See Also. Sorted by: 1. Bunsenlabs does a good job keeping things minimal. But later, Lubuntu adopted LXQt in 2018. Install 1.1 Xorg Openbox can be used alone, without a desktop environment, or it can be used to replace the window manager in a complete desktop environment. It is less demanding and fulfills all the tasks that an operating system required to do. Openbox is an open-source, lightweight and highly configurable window manager that is the standard windows manager for LXDE and LXQt desktop environments. pcmanfm -- file manager that also manages icons on desktop. Right-click and choose 'Terminal emulator'. GNOME 3. GitHub is where people build software. I have created Manjaro Openbox which goes as low as 100MB idle state after install. it can be used on its own but its not the best experience, its needs a bunch of friends to run with: openbox + compton for compositor + tint2 for task panel + Feh for wallpaper + sakura for terminal. Installation The easiest way to install Openbox on a Debian system is using Apt. These files control everything about the window manager . you need to install Openbox. Xfce Desktop Environment. LxPup is a version of Puppy Linux using the LXDE desktop environment and is an updated "descendent" of loukitchou's LxPup13.01. When it opens, run the commands below. It uses the Openbox Display Manager (OBDM). When I right click the title bar, the send to Desktop is 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Let's learn how to get it on your Ubuntu machine. Openbox is highly customizable; Cons. It was originally forked from Blackbox. I've already told you how to install a group, in this section I'm going to give you the specific commands you need to enter to install a specific Desktop Environment and also remove an installed Desktop Environment. Flurry Desktop Environment. KDE 2. Without a desktop environment, I thought Openbox was the desktop environment. Openbox is a lightweight linux stacking desktop environment that is configured with files. Start your X! You can enable it by running the following command: pkg install x11-repo It will automatically add appropriate sources.list file and PGP key. Configuration file is XML based; Themes do not include any sort of panel theme (Fluxbox and other WM's have WM taskbars) Discussion. More than 65 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects. The OpenBox configuration details can be studied on the OpenBox wiki. Note: The default OpenBox menu (right click on desktop) will have a lot of options that won't work because we didnt install anything else! That's not the right way to initiate a x session with openbox, Perhaps you meant to put that line in ~/.xinitrc, and execute startx instead. Now, just install LXQT and Openbox package. Remember that an X app can't be run outside the Xorg environment. Openbox is not a Desktop but a window manager. Cinnamon. 1 Desktop environments.